Sunday, January 18, 2015

MOPS Meeting!

I'm excited!!! We have a MOPS meeting on Tuesday. Free food. Free childcare. Free fun!!! If you aren't there we will just assume you don't like fun...just kidding.
Our topic is Self Image, Self Confidence: What happened to my beauty? Don't worry I won't dress up...this time.
Last week we signed up for food, so if you've signed up make sure to bring it. If you were not there last week, you can sign up through Christine either at our meeting or emailing her.
If you are unable to attend, you need to let me know as soon as you can. The more you attend, the more connected you will feel with other moms. I know that I look forward to no kid time and adult conversation! And we just want to see your beautiful face.
See you ALL soon!