Monday, January 27, 2014

Moms' Night Out

Do you need a reason to get out of the house? 
Do you need a reason to get all dressed up? 
Do you need a reason to just take a shower?! 
Well here is your reason...
Moms' Night Out
7:30pm Tuesday, January 28

Come for drinks, dinner, desserts (oh the desserts) or just come for water...Just COME!
Please let us know if you are coming as we will get a reservation for this fun, fancy night!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Play Date

Tomorrow, January 23rd, we are meeting at McDonald's for a play date from 3-5pm.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

We're back!!

Tuesday January 21st we are back in action after a long winter break. Same time and place, 6:30-8:30 Christ Community Church. It's also a great time to get that friend to join us. We have several new mommas joining our group. The more the merrier!

Please contact Becky if you are bringing kiddos for MOPPETS.

If Christine has asked you to bring food, please have it ready to go by 6:30.

If you will not be attending the meeting please let April know as soon as possible.

Tuesday's meeting will be craft night! So get on Pinterest and get inspired! Or just come ready for some fun. We will also be meeting in our teams (hospitality, creative, social/publicity, and MOPPETS) to plan the rest of the semesters fun.

Cannot wait to see you!