Monday, September 22, 2014

Mom's Night Out

Good Afternoon MOPS Ladies! Tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept 23) is our next meeting. This is going to be a fun one! We will be meeting in the sanctuary at 6:30pm to watch the movie Mom's Night Out! The sanctuary is straight and to the right of the front doors where we usually come in. So drop off the kiddos downstairs and join us!

Dinner will be provided as usual. If you are signed up to bring a side dish, please make sure that it is ready to go by 6:30pm so we can eat!!! The movies running time is 1:38 so we will need all the time we can get.

We will be dinning with our teams (hospitality, social/publicity, creative, and MOPPETS). So we can meet each other and clarify any questions you may have about your role.
If you will be unable to attend, please let me know ASAP!

Looking forward to it, I've heard this movie is hilarious!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Be You, Bravely

Our next meeting is coming up on Tuesday, September 9th. Pastor Nate from Lawrence Wesleyan Church will be our guest speaker. He will be discussing the MOPS International Theme: Be You, Bravely.

We will start eating right at 6:30pm. If you will be unable to attend please let April know as soon as you can.

Looking forward to see you again!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Are You Ready?

Ladies, are you ready for the 2014-15 season? Join us on Tuesday, August 26th 6:30-8:30pm for the MOPS at Night Ice Cream Social and Open House. 
Friends!  Free Ice Cream!  Register!  Bring the family! 
And get ready for our first meeting - Tuesday, 2 September 6:30-8:30pm at Lawrence Wesleyan Church.  Dinner and childcare provided (with registration).

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ice Cream Social and Open House (Registration Night!)

Ladies, are you ready for a new year of MOPS?!  Come and register for the 2014-15 season on August 26th from 6:30-8:30pm at Lawrence Wesleyan Church.  You will have the opportunity to see the new facility, visit with friends and eat free ice cream.  Please bring your children and any friends that you think might be interested in joining MOPS at Night!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Change is in the air!

We have some exciting changes happening in our MOPS at Night group! We are embracing the Be You, Bravely theme and bravely stepping into a new location. We will now be meeting at Lawrence Wesleyan Church! Christ Community Church has been an amazing partner in starting our group for the last 4 years, but we need more space! What a joyful reason. Lawrence Wesleyan Church has welcomed us with open arms and are ready to help and support us. We will still meet on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30pm, we will still provide childcare, dinner, and a relaxing environment.

Looking forward to a new year! Join us and BE YOU, BRAVELY!

Lawrence Wesleyan Church. 3705 Clinton Parkway. Lawrence, KS 66047.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Garage Sale Time!

Howdy! This is the final week to clean out those closets, empty out that garage, and borrow long-term from your neighbor! IT'S GARAGE SALE WEEK!!! Below are several things to look over all about the sale.

Here are the drop off times for donations...
THURSDAY at Christ Community Church from 6:30pm-8:30pm
If you would like to drop off items on FRIDAY morning, please arrange a time with me. I will be available all day.
If you are unable to get the items to the church on one of these two days, my garage is open for storage. Just call, email, text and let me know a good time.

Shift Times:
You should receive an email from Sign-up Genius to remind you of your time(s) to come. We have a few spots open still, if you can come and help, that would be great. Even if it's just for a little bit. Every little bit helps!

If you have an garage sale signs or materials to make signs that you are willing to donate or let us borrow please let me know. The more we can save on materials the more money we can make!

Several have signed up to help on Thursday evening from 6:30-8:30. If you have any time to give and love to organize, create, or follow direction please come help! We will be doing just that, organizing the donated items, creating signs, and helping each other mark and label all items. Afterwards, we can all go out to Sylas and Maddies for ice cream!

Thank you all for your help! I'm really excited to get this going and to have it done

Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, advise.


Monday, April 14, 2014

SPA Night Success


Another SPA night success!!!  We want to say thank you to all of the businesses that donated our amazing doorprizes including massages, pedicures, facials, tanning and other goodies :)

2449 Iowa Street in Lawrence

733 Massachusetts Street in Lawrence

511 West 9th Street in Lawrence

701 Massachusetts Street in Lawrence

We would also like to say thank you to everyone that helped to set up/tear down.  We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and we are looking forward to our next annual SPA night!

Thanks again!
Creative Activities Chair
Ultimate Tan - Lawrence2449 Iowa Street Suite O Lawrence - See more at:
Ultimate Tan - Lawrence2449 Iowa Street Suite O Lawrence - See more at:

Science Fun

At our meeting this week we did several fun experiments to help us teach our children science and to prepare them for kindergarten. Just because your children are learning doesn't mean it has to be boring! And just when you thought you were only having fun, you are actually teaching your children great skills. Below are all the activities we did and talked about.

Oil and Ice

Exploding Treasure

Floating Raisins

Cloud Jar

Inflating Balloon

Balance with Hanger

Pipe Cleaners and Magnets

Sink or Float

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Guest Day!

I just wanted to remind everyone that next TUESDAY, April 15th, is guest day/night. This is a great time to invite a friend to join us. We are scheduled to have Mary Duncan from Tools for Motherhood speak to us about teaching science concepts to our children. Who doesn't want to hear that!?
If you are bringing a friend, you and your friend will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a date night which includes: 2 hours of babysitting and a gift card to a local restaurant. Take the time to invite a friend or two, it's not a commitment to join MOPS, it's a fun night out with a bunch of ladies!
Until then!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Meetin' Time

Good afternoon! Just a reminder that we have a MOPS Meeting tomorrow night 6:30-8:30pm! Shane Jones is a counselor in the Lawrence/Topeka area and he is coming to talk to us about Marriage, Relationships, and Sex. I'm excited.
Food: If you have signed up for food, please have it there by 6:30pm
MOPPETS: If you are bringing children for MOPPETS, please let Becky know ASAP.
Attendance: If you are unable to make it to the meeting, please let April know. A friendly reminder that we do have an attendance policy (not because we are mean, but because we want to grow together and we can't do that if you are not there).

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Due to the weather we are canceling tonight's meeting. I will miss seeing everyone. Be on the look out for upcoming social events.

Enjoy the snow!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

MOPS Meeting

Tuesday, February 4th is our next meeting! The Merc will be coming to talk to us about Health and Nutrition. I'm sure they would love to answer any questions you have about the latest and greatest food trends. Gluten Free? Dairy Free? Why? It's not a pyramid anymore?!
If you have signed up to bring food, please have it there ready to go by 6:30pm. If you can't remember if you signed up or not you can check with Christine.
If you have kiddos that are coming for MOPPETS please let Becky know.
And if you are unable to attend please let April know.
Should the weather get bad, we will cancel our meeting. I'll send out an email and post on Facebook if this is the case. I sure hope we can still get together!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Moms' Night Out

Do you need a reason to get out of the house? 
Do you need a reason to get all dressed up? 
Do you need a reason to just take a shower?! 
Well here is your reason...
Moms' Night Out
7:30pm Tuesday, January 28

Come for drinks, dinner, desserts (oh the desserts) or just come for water...Just COME!
Please let us know if you are coming as we will get a reservation for this fun, fancy night!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Play Date

Tomorrow, January 23rd, we are meeting at McDonald's for a play date from 3-5pm.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

We're back!!

Tuesday January 21st we are back in action after a long winter break. Same time and place, 6:30-8:30 Christ Community Church. It's also a great time to get that friend to join us. We have several new mommas joining our group. The more the merrier!

Please contact Becky if you are bringing kiddos for MOPPETS.

If Christine has asked you to bring food, please have it ready to go by 6:30.

If you will not be attending the meeting please let April know as soon as possible.

Tuesday's meeting will be craft night! So get on Pinterest and get inspired! Or just come ready for some fun. We will also be meeting in our teams (hospitality, creative, social/publicity, and MOPPETS) to plan the rest of the semesters fun.

Cannot wait to see you!