Sunday, September 15, 2013

First MOPS Meeting

Tuesday marks our first MOPS Meeting and it is going to be filled with fun, food, fellowship, and fantastic people!

We will start promptly at 6:30 with dinner for us moms. (Children will have snacks but will need to come feed.) If you signed up to bring a side dish, dessert, etc make sure to bring those items before 6:30. If you can't remember what you signed up for, you can see the calendar HERE. Just click on Tuesday's MOPS Meeting and it will list who is bringing what. (You can also add this calendar to your calendars and have all the MOPS events right at your fingertips.)

Our meetings will be held in the basement this year in the "Media Lounge". If you walk in the front doors you will see a staircase to your right. Take those down. If you are dropping off children, the MOPPETS Room is the first door on your right. (Please email Becky if you are bringing your children and let her know how many so we can be prepared.) After you drop your children off, follow the sound of music down the hallway to the end. We'll be there to help direct you!

We will do some introductions, create our name tags for the year, meet in our MOPS Teams (hospitality, creative, publicity/social, MOPPETS) and go over the MOPS Handbook. I have attached a copy of the handbook HERE for you to read before our meeting. We will touch on a few key things, but we won't hit it all and it's filled with useful information.

We still have openings for the year so if you have a friend that is interested bring them along. We will have registration forms available.
I'm truly looking forward to this year and all that God has in store for us. Let's "Embrace our Story" and let God use our "Beautiful Mess" to shine for Him!

See you Tuesday!

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