Monday, September 22, 2014

Mom's Night Out

Good Afternoon MOPS Ladies! Tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept 23) is our next meeting. This is going to be a fun one! We will be meeting in the sanctuary at 6:30pm to watch the movie Mom's Night Out! The sanctuary is straight and to the right of the front doors where we usually come in. So drop off the kiddos downstairs and join us!

Dinner will be provided as usual. If you are signed up to bring a side dish, please make sure that it is ready to go by 6:30pm so we can eat!!! The movies running time is 1:38 so we will need all the time we can get.

We will be dinning with our teams (hospitality, social/publicity, creative, and MOPPETS). So we can meet each other and clarify any questions you may have about your role.
If you will be unable to attend, please let me know ASAP!

Looking forward to it, I've heard this movie is hilarious!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Be You, Bravely

Our next meeting is coming up on Tuesday, September 9th. Pastor Nate from Lawrence Wesleyan Church will be our guest speaker. He will be discussing the MOPS International Theme: Be You, Bravely.

We will start eating right at 6:30pm. If you will be unable to attend please let April know as soon as you can.

Looking forward to see you again!