Tuesday, December 5, 2017

See you all Tuesday, 12/6/17! Same time (6:30-8:30), same place (First Presbyterian).
Dr. Waco Goodnight will be presenting on your kiddo and technology/screen time!
General Reminders:
Let me know if you will not be attending.
Let Taylor Hahn or Emily Ridder know if you will have kiddos with you.
If you are signed up to bring food, please have it at the church and ready to go by 6:25p.
See you all then!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

MOPS is today!

A reminder of our upcoming meeting Tuesday, 10/17.
We will be back at First Presbyterian! Yay! Normal time, 6:30p-8:30p.
Normal childcare provided, but, if you do intend to bring kids please let Taylor Hahn or Emily Ridder know to ensure we have enough volunteers.
If you are signed up for food PLEASE have it in the church and ready to eat by 6:25p! Bring enough for approximately 40 people.
We will have our Dads Mentor Panel with questions coordinated by our lovely Emily Ridder. This one is always a favorite, so don't miss it!
Please let me know if you won't be able to attend!
Thanks, ladies! Can't wait to see you all then!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Registration Night is on August 22, 2017!

We would like to invite you to registration night for the 2017-2018 MOPS @ Night season on August 22, 2017, at 6:30. Please see our event for more information. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Starry Eyed Beginning

Thursday, September 15, 2016 - Our first meeting for 2016-2017 is in the books. How amazing was it to see everyone again and start meeting all the new mamas!?!

Lets give it up for our Steering Team!!! This was our night to get to know our leadership team and the various teams we'll be serving on. I have to say I learned a lot. I feel like Amanda F's openness regarding her struggle to feel a part of MOPS her first year was so honest and helpful, and her teaching of being a "There you are" person vs. a "Here I am" person is so valuable.

Anyone else kicking themselves for not going the Christmas song route during our game time!?! Great job to the teams that did!! Man, that game was fun (insert stressful and made me realize I know zero song lyrics even though I totally thought I did)! I can easily see bringing that game to play at family gatherings.

I encourage you to read the About Us section to learn more about this year's theme of 'We Are the Starry Eyed.' I'm excited to learn more about it and see how much we all grow this year.   - EH

Monday, September 21, 2015

Fundraiser {YARD SALE}

Our fundraiser is coming up in about 2 weeks! 

Friday October 2nd (5-7pm) and Saturday October 3rd (8-12pm) MOPS at Night is hosting a yard sale at Lawrence Wesleyan Church. 

The majority of donations will be provided by the moms in our group. I'm going to go ahead and assume this means much of what is sold will be: clothes and toys! I know we will have plenty of home goods, decorations and random things too!

If you would like to donate items to our sale you can bring them to the church on Thursday October 1 from 9am-7pm. 

Please spread the word about our SALE! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Recipe of the Week {Corn Dip}

2 blocks of cream cheese
10oz can sweet corn
4oz can diced green chiles
2 diced roma tomatoes
1 diced red bell pepper
1 ranch mix packet

Let cream cheese soften. Drain the can of corn. 
Mix everything together!

How easy is that?!

This recipe is delicious! Leigh Ann brought it over as a snack for the Steering Team meeting and we all loved it!